Elevate Your Audio!

high fidelity audio installation

Elevate Your Audio!

Combining high fidelity audio and enhanced performance with exquisite design.


PAC Installs the premiere speaker brands

“The only truth is music.” -Jack Kerouac

PAC Installs premiere speaker


Danish Made Award Winning Hi-Fi Speakers

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”

– Fredrich Nietzsche

Winning Hi-Fi Speakers

Experience the Joy of High Fidelity Audio

“I see my life in terms of music.” -Albert Einstein

High Fidelity Audio

McIntosh Amplifiers

A McIntosh Amplifier will take your music to the next level.


McIntosh Amplifiers


Contact us to learn more and for a site visit. Don’t forget to visit our website at  PAC-NJ.com !

For the details please contact Ralph Tarnofsky at 973-467-1950 ext. 101 or email Ralph at  ralpht@pac-nj.com.